

Welcome, I’m Lucca Petrucci!

I’m a Motivational Speaker, a DEI Consultant, a Marketing Strategist, and an LGBTQIA2S+ and Mental Health Activist who helps people discover, accept, and express their authenticity so they can experience the freedom to be themselves, reach their highest potential, and make the difference they are here to make.

I lead, mentor, and develop middle school, high school, and college students, educators, administrators, and leaders, helping them gain a greater sense of confidence in their identity, voice, authentic leadership style, and future.

I work with entrepreneurs, leaders, and creatives, helping them create, market, and launch their businesses, brands, podcasts, and meaningful initiatives.

See me in action as a speaker! 

How can I help you bring your vision, goals, and big ideas to life?

Speaking & Coaching.

You lead a team of individuals or students and you need support in motivating, uplifting, and empowering them.

You’re planning a conference, camp, assembly, or retreat and you’re looking for someone to share a message that deeply resonates with your audience.

You’re seeking an authentic, energetic, and wildly inspirational speaker to impart an important message on self-confidence, mental health, authentic leadership or belonging that gets them into action.

Through storytelling, powerful content and thought-provoking questions, I deliver transformational keynotes, workshops, and assemblies that will engage and empower your audience with the right combination of motivation, education, and fun.

Marketing & Brand Consulting.

You’re an entrepreneur or leader and you are ready to take your business, organization, initiative, or podcast to the next level. You have an exciting vision, dream, or idea you want to bring to life so you can inspire and impact more people. 

To make your vision a reality, you know you can’t do it alone. You know you need the correct support system to help you. You’re looking for a creative partner, marketing expert, and teammate you can count on with business strategy, marketing, and brand development experience. You are looking for someone to support you in co-creating your big ideas and following through on them.

I’m here to help you create something authentic, purposeful, and impactful that aligns with your values and your mission.

What it’s like working with me

B Gendusco
High School Senior

Cecilia Cantu
College Grad Student

Our students struggle with recognizing their own agency and stepping into their power, and Lucca provided them with tools and practices to help them overcome self-doubt and build their confidence. 

Students shared that Lucca’s keynote address was their favorite during our annual LIFT Conference. It provided them with concrete ways to dive deeper into knowing what they want in life, what they value, and what fulfills them. He created space for them to gain clarity of their authenticity and understand who they truly are at their core — something that is essential in being able to recognize self-agency and increase their sense of self-confidence. 

His enthusiasm, personal anecdotes, how he modeled being vulnerable, and the opportunity he gave students to engage in activities and start putting the theory into action was very impactful. Lucca is walking the walk! He demonstrates authenticity while extolling its values. His energy is welcoming and disarming…just the thing to put students at ease when discussing some heavy topics.

Mellissa Jessen-Hiser — Director, Central Valley College Corps at Fresno State

Lucca truly made an impact on our teachers and campus! I appreciate his courage, personal resolve to be true himself, and his passion for helping others find their inner voice of strength. I grew because of your story and your workshop, and I believe the vast majority of our staff did, too. His energy, engagement, eye contact, and genuine connection with our teachers made them feel comfortable enough to step out of their comfort zone and grow into more accepting and inclusive leaders.

I recommend Mr. Petrucci for any school site, department, or organization who wants to dive deep into "heart work". So much of the time professional developments are attempting to inform or give instruction about a technical skill. The "head knowledge" topics are much needed in industries, especially education, but if people don't have the right heart for the work, they will never make a positive impact in the lives of students or whatever their goals are. Mr. Petrucci helped our staff do the "heart work" which has paid off tremendously. 

Tobaise Brookins — Principal, Edison-Computech Middle School


Lucca brings passion, strategy and impeccable execution to all consulting and marketing projects. He is absolutely so much fun to work with and he brings a light and a joy to the heavy lifting.

He helps entrepreneurs and brands market and amplify their message by teaching them to view marketing as an expression of who they are and what they care about in the world. I believe that anyone Lucca coaches can become a better marketer and advocate of their work. 

Lucca has a unique ability to come into an organization as a team member and get underneath what it wants to achieve and do it in a way that is full of excitement, structure, integrity, purpose and results. I would recommend Lucca to other brands and entrepreneurs because he has a trustworthiness and a very rigorous sense of time integrity and fulfillment of his work, which helps any marketing or communication initiative happen.

Susanne Conrad — Founder of Lightyear Leadership & Author of Get There Now