What students & clients are saying about my speaking & mentoring

Raymond Seng
High School Senior

Grace Mou
College Junior


Student feedback showed an increase of prioritizing happiness, embracing their identity and overall self-worth. His talk was one of our most well-received events of the year.

Working with students that are from marginalized and historically underserved backgrounds, I wanted someone to come in to speak and reinvigorate students after the pandemic. We reached out to Lucca to speak about the importance of authenticity, adapting, and self-agency. 

Students responded very positively to Lucca's talk! Student feedback showed an increase of prioritizing happiness, embracing their identity and overall self-worth. In addition, students shared they got to reflect more on themselves because of the safe space he created. They also loved that they were not being talked at, they were active participants in the conversation and felt heard by Lucca. His talk was one of our most well-received events of the year.

Lucca brings in energy and professionalism to a talk that I haven’t seen often from other speakers. He does not just speak to the themes of the event, he brings in a depth that elevates a person's own personal development. He spends thoughtful time understanding who his audience is, what they need and what their mentors and advisors want the students to walk away with from the experience. To engage staff and students alike is not an easy feat, but Lucca did so entertainingly, and with humility.

Alexandra Chavez — Program Manager at Youth Leadership Institute & Former Program Coordinator at UC Merced

When Lucca shared his personal story, it was clear that while his lived experiences can not be directly related to the experiences of all people, the tools he built through those experiences were universal in developing authenticity as a leader.

We had the distinct pleasure of having Lucca join us at Oregon Association of Student Council’s Summer Camp as one of our keynote speakers. When looking for a partner, we wanted our kids to have a learning experience that was holistic and equipped them to be an authentic version of themselves as they grow as student leaders who will one day be adult leaders. Lucca resonates well with that intention and exceeded expectations as our partner.

Watching him operate as a keynote speaker was incredible. Every piece of his keynote on authenticity had intention. When he shared his personal story, it was clear that while his lived experiences can not be directly related to the experiences of all people, the tools he built through those experiences were universal in developing authenticity as a leader. Those tools were also clearly delivered in a digestible way that would allow our students to put his lessons into action immediately.

We were able to bring Lucca to our camp a few days early, and in that time, he built connections with our students, he asked questions, and he listened. He learned names, experiences, and hopes for these students’ school year ahead. He was genuine in developing relationships with them and that made his talk all the more impactful.

Miles Palacios — Legislative Affairs Manager at Association of Oregon Counties & Former Executive Director at Oregon Association of Student Councils

Lucca's message, delivered with passion, humor, and powerful storytelling, applies to all and enthusiastically encourages everyone to accept and celebrate who they are. 

Lucca spoke at our third annual Community Pride Celebration event for our high school, and he had an incredible impact on our students and the community who were all celebrating together. His message of accepting who you are is filled with positivity, energy, and encouragement, and everyone in the gym felt better about themselves as a result. Lucca's example of confidently showing up 100% as himself gives others permission to do the same. No matter how a person identifies, everyone has felt like they didn't belong at some point in their life. Lucca's message, delivered with passion, humor, and powerful storytelling, applies to all and enthusiastically encourages everyone to accept and celebrate who they are. 

John Aldworth — Associate Principal for Student Experiences at Maine West High School & Executive Board Member of Illinois Directors of Student Activities

Lucca takes students on an adventure through his language to discover their hidden power. It’s unlike anything I have seen in my 16 years of teaching. His innovative and inspiring approach in speaking with youth is ingenious and invigorating.

Lucca Petrucci engages the audience with his storytelling, passion and true empathy for others. His enthusiasm is infectious with his ability to radiate a level of sincerity that can move an audience. 

One of Lucca's strongest traits is his authenticity. At our leadership development summer retreat, he provided a keynote speech that left every student a changed individual. The motivational and meaningful words he shares and his ability to navigate his voice to connect with the audience’s circumstances is extraordinary. 

In his moments on the microphone, there was silence, engaged eyes and his words were easily digestible. No matter the size or age of an audience, Lucca easily senses the energy in the room and sparks that human connection by painting a picture of what we as humans all want — unconditional love, achieving dreams and that we truly matter. He is a dynamic speaker. His stories and messages stick to a listener's mind, but best of all they provide the audience with this new wave of energy and light. 

Julie Larrivee — Educator & Former Activities Director at Madera South & Clovis West High School

Lucca’s personality and story is able to connect with so many kids in different ways. It doesn’t matter what their background is. He makes them feel comfortable and safe enough to honestly share what they are going through.

Lucca’s loving and authentic demeanor draws people in, making them want to connect with him, which makes him one-of-a-kind!

 One of my students shared, “He made me think of thoughts I’ve been way too scared to process and now I am not afraid. I feel more brave because of Lucca, his story, and his inspiring message.” Another said, “Lucca helped me understand myself better. His talk helped me come back to myself.”

 I would definitely recommend Lucca as a keynote speaker.  He was incredibly easy to work with, shaping his message to fit with what my student needed.  His positivity is infectious and lightened all the students he encountered.

Jana Remington — Activities Director at Canyon Springs High School

What clients are saying about my consulting & coaching support

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Lucca helps entrepreneurs market and amplify their message by teaching them to view marketing as an expression of who they are and what they care about in the world. Anyone he coaches can become a better marketer and advocate of their work.

Lucca brings passion, strategy and impeccable execution to all consulting and marketing projects. He is absolutely so much fun to work with and he brings a light and a joy to the heavy lifting.

He helps entrepreneurs and brands market and amplify their message by teaching them to view marketing as an expression of who they are and what they care about in the world. I believe that anyone Lucca coaches can become a better marketer and advocate of their work. 

Lucca has a unique ability to come into an organization as a team member and get underneath what it wants to achieve and do it in a way that is full of excitement, structure, integrity, purpose and results. 

I would recommend Lucca to other brands and entrepreneurs because he has a trustworthiness and a very rigorous sense of time integrity and fulfillment of his work — which helps any marketing or communication initiative happen. He helps create the vision, goals and strategy for a project and also helps a company implement their strategy, making their vision and goals a reality.

Susanne Conrad — Founder of Lightyear Leadership & Author of Get There Now

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By Lucca supporting me with the launch of my podcast, my brand and business experienced a worldwide reach literally overnight. My podcast hit over 6,000 downloads in a few months and is listened to in 49 states and 44 countries.

When I first met with Lucca, I could sense that creating a podcast was something that I both wanted and needed to do. One major thing though — I had no idea how! Lucca has supported me in the launch of my podcast from, as they say, "soup to nuts.” He helped me clarify my vision, who I wanted to reach and all of the technical and logistical know-how. 

Lucca’s superpower is having one’s highest self and vision match their language, conversation and expression in the world. He supported me to lean into my vision of being a global change agent and making an impact through conversation and communication. Through our work together and the launch of my podcast This Human Experience, my brand and business experienced a worldwide reach literally overnight. 

I absolutely recommend him to others who wish to use their voice to amplify their impact! He has a keen sense of the organizational logistics that allow the execution of any project at a high level with complete ease and fun! He has a structure that is meticulously created to move my podcast forward in the most powerful way.

Allie Nunzi — Founder of Grace & Glory Yoga and Host of This Human Experience Podcast

Lucca is as excited and passionate about my brand and its future vision as I am — which made me feel so supported while working with him as my coach. I didn’t realize that someone with such an extensive amount of marketing experience could be as excited as I am for my own business.

Lucca is so great to work with. I love his passion and energy around helping my business and my brand My Wealth Conscious Coach evolve into the best possible version of itself. 

I really enjoyed working with Lucca because I always knew big things were going to get accomplished and I could see the results almost immediately. I always had a good sense of accomplishment at the end of my sessions with Lucca.

I would recommend Lucca if you want to work with someone who has a lot of passion and heart for what he does, and ultimately this translates into what you do because he gets fired up if you’re fired up about your business. I did not realize that someone with such an extensive amount of marketing experience could be as excited as I am for my own business, vision and future.

AJ Bishop — Chief Executive Officer & Founder of My Wealth Conscious Coach

Through Lucca’s intuitive, uplifting and strategic way of coaching, he helped me identify, untangle and fully express the many ideas that were in my head and integrate them all into the podcast of my dreams. He is so good at what he does.

My co-host Katie Edwards and I did not know where to begin with launching our podcast Are You Wearing Heels? and Lucca supported us step by step from ground zero, giving us the space to build a solid foundation that aligned with our vision. He helped us hash-out, untangle and fully express all the ideas that were in our head and integrate them all into the podcast of our dreams. 

Lucca led us with his enormous light and purpose and saw what was needed to help us have the most successful launch to our podcast and addressed it until he knew we understood and felt aligned with what we were creating and doing. 

He helped me create a crystal clear vision for myself and for my podcast. He opened my eyes to the opportunity I have to truly connect with people using my life experiences and I'm realizing how little I need to actually do because I have all of the content for my podcast just by living my life as I have. 

Lucca is the most compassionate, patient, uplifting and organized coach. His approach to coaching is gentle, loving, organic, intuitive and fun. I would totally recommend Lucca to other entrepreneurs, leaders and creatives who want to start their own podcast. He is so good at what he does — it’s insane. He is a gem of a human and I know you will be very happy to be led by him. His guidance has been a blessing to us and I know it will be to you.

Nicole Bengtson — Entrepreneur & Co-Host of Are You Wearing Heels? Podcast


Through Lucca’s authentic and energizing way of marketing, he supported Lightyear Leadership in getting 80 people across the globe enrolled in Lightyear Coach Training — surpassing our goal.

Lucca brings a breath of creative energy to any project. He mobilizes people as a leader and generates new ideas to create a new outcome for how the project can go and how successful it can be. He always thinks big.

He supported Lightyear Leadership in identifying marketing strategy and language for launching our year-long online coaching program. He led the identification of how we talk about and market the program — including who our target audience was, what problems we were solving for them and what possibilities we were offering. Lucca lit a fire for our marketing. He brought energy and possibility to how we talked about the work we do and how we brought people on. 

Lucca helped us create a picture of how authentic and energized marketing can make a huge difference for our business. Through this way of marketing, he supported us in getting 80 people across the globe enrolled in Lightyear Coach Training —  a lot more people than we set our goal to be. 

He combines precision, persistence, and follow-through with fun, energy and creativity. He so beautifully marries flying high to see the big picture and swooping down into the details to make sure it gets done.

Hunter Conrad — Chief Experience Officer of Lightyear Leadership